Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Article Summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary - Article Example The need for new applications has contributed to the advancement of communication and networking technologies (OBrien & Marakas, 2008). These changes have impacted businesses because they have to put in a lot of resources to manage the complexities brought about by these technological advancements. These trends have been causing problems for organizations. When it comes to using technology efficiently, the burden on managers is greater today than it was in the past. This is because technological advancements have brought about a lot of complexities in communication and networking systems. Previously, the internet was largely used as a platform for communication and entertainment. This trend has changed, and, for businesses, the internet today is mainly used as a business process automation and commercial platform (OBrien & Marakas, 2008). A good example is that managers today are more concerned about having an online presence than physical presence. Managers have to grapple with how to manage networks effectively so that they can efficiently support their business processes. The network management dilemma remains a challenge for managers. Another example is dealing with how fast networks need to operate to satisfy their business demands since there are larger volumes of data to

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